Fay Slimm - Silken Words.

2014-11-10 0

Bathed at first in milky dreams, creamy
Smooth flowed your silken words to me,
Drenching my heart, and without too
Much sweet-talk I, aware that you
Cared was emboldened with tender
Affection. No need to pretend
Shyness now. We feed from parts
Of the same fate, unseen but heart-
Felt, - a soul-love always waits, tight
Bound, but spacious enough to lightly
Lie in the mind. Silky soft words
Catch the spirit of love at first,
Then, with time words harden to stone,
Embed; themselves deeply, and honed
With devotion, become a part
Of the union of coupled hearts.

Fay Slimm
