Mary Joy Lumanog - Responsibility, Accountability

2014-11-10 8

I have these questions in my mind everytime that I cannot confine

Why do people suffer...
On things made by others in greed?
They said it's for the better,
They said it's for the best,
They said it's for the future to come, to hold.
For them it is indeed..but why can't they see...
Sufferings they made of greed.
For money is important but not it withstand
Not for the future but for the benefit of a greedy man.

Why do nature had to suffer...
on the verge of destroying itself?
They said, because of time
They said, because it is the end
They said it's a disposition that no one can't explain...
Is it? or because of you...
That made the nature acts by itself
That no man can undo...

Why do people have to fight...
Just for a penny in a hand?
They said because it's a penny
They said because it's a need
They said it is money that they don't have...
Or it is you...who stole it
Behind their backs, behind their eyes
Like a silence in the night...

Why do people have to sleep...
In the dark cold night in the street?
They said i'ts better here, pay no rent..indeed.
They said, they were lost and no where to go...
They said, there's a house, but there's no home
Or it is you, who filch the land
For them to keep and build a home to hand

Can we realize the things that we did?
For it is our reponsibility to keep...the world that we live..
For consequences lies for us to be accounted for... Our Life

Mary Joy Lumanog

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