Alf Hutchison - A Vulture Flies

2014-11-10 4

A vulture flies on Azure blue Skies,
Africa’s ‘Cordon Bleu’ of flesh demise;
Whilst relentless sun heats up the land,
Flight feathers now by thermals fanned,
Lifting him ever higher and higher,
Beyond cloud base his prime desire,
Up to freezing heights of air so rare,
Wings outstretched… just circling there.
With a keenly eye he surveys the land,
African savannah, picturesquely grand,
This insatiable bird in all its substance,
Seeking carrion waste in great abundance,
Predator Lions now have left their kill,
Hyenas and Jackal, eaten well their fill,
All seek shelter from the broiling sun,
Whilst scavengers supreme…land one by one.

Alf Hutchison