hasmukh amathalal - No more domination

2014-11-10 4

Many female chauvinist organizations demand,
“Husband or males should taken to remand”
No leniency on cruelty or their atrocity”
But reasonable try for compromise and amity,

Males always abuse and prefer domination,
Sometimes resort to violence and subordination,
Simply forget they are essential wheels of life,
Matter little who is husband or wife?

Females still not considered equal partner,
Many incidences of abuses are just eye opener,
What can we do to prevent further disgrace?
Congenial atmosphere with affectionate embrace,

Respect for each others sentiments with simple care,
Not aggravating the situation which leads no where,
Keep nature kind with follow and forgive,
Life is after all take and give,

Basically human being is wild animal,
Always perform the show dismal,
Never repent for disgraceful act,
Revengeful attitude and violently react,

Ladies meekly submit for fear of reprisal,
Problem age old and no solution or redressal,
Time has come to change the system and laws,
Simple procedure with removal of flaws,

Law has inherent weakness and different opinion,
Severity of it leads to era of draconian,
Innocent and guilty face same criteria,
Clear should be division and marked area,

Not all males are to be blamed,
Ladies too should not unnecessarily framed,
Wisdom should be essence and due respect,
Reforms within but with clear ability to inspect.,

Society may suffer and fabric weaken,
Families in disarray and certainly broken,
If allowed to happen may affect the entire structure,
Wounds all over with body fracture,

hasmukh amathalal
