Joe Rosochacki - Who Cares?

2014-11-10 2

The world is undergoing possible global warning.
The threat of terrorists is still here,
The international economy is still fledgling;
After the crash of banks.
AIDS, Swine and bird flues, and famine,
Earthquakes and Tsunami's,
And you get your daily bread give thanks.
Unemployment is rampant in the US.
Social programs are being hit,
The infrastructure is about to collapse.
Iran is in turmoil because of alleged election fraud,
North Korea is launching missiles,
Both Iran and North Korea are engaging in nuclear development,
Pakistan is fighting the Taliban,
Brazil courts are keeping a father from his child,
-which is permanently confusing and psychologically damaging the child's fate
Somali pirates are active in their search for ships for extortion.
So why in the world does the news partially focus on ‘Jon and Kate plus 8."
Who Cares?


Joe Rosochacki