sarwar chowdhury - ********My moon-river

2014-11-10 14

'The great ambition of women is to inspire love'
- Moliere

And then moon-river in it

No no
Listen soon my love how meet'.

she calls me, rolls me, tells me, bells me, , , , I am runing into the sun....the other galaxy whisper- the lover of the earth within you….the sun smiles…I am burnt but not as burnt to ashes......
......My moon-river comes as I need whim bubble..I swim, yea, I swim in love timeless.......all of my ifs and griefs, cheers and tears become breeze of twilight.....It's an evolution of her inspire.

O my moon-river, you know that my whim ignite me to swim.....otherwise I am dead....Otherwise I can not pass through the bridge between body and spirit.

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sarwar chowdhury