Shagun Khera - Creatures of the Dark! ! ! !

2014-11-10 8

Waiting in the haven of black..
in red eyes...glorified thirst for red..
warm and smooth..
dripping from the neck..
taste of elixir..
quenches the voracious desire...
the urge to kill...the prey so stark...
creatures of the dark...

cringe in desperate hours..
when the claws hold your wrist..
evil laughs cold...
when life sets to depart...
ebony ornated night..
and the hour of the dark...
look straight into the eyes of death...
they come alive from the dead..
creatures of the dark..

the bell tolls hard..
with the wail of wolves..
sniffing signs of blood..
ravaging winds of murderous omen..
lurks around the corner..
don't turn the lights off..
for they will take you with a pounce..
rain pelts hard..
when the windows begin to shriek..
night of terror...
begins to seduce its lovers..
while you begin to weep...
no don’t breathe..
they will trace your smell...
from the cursed lands of far away..
vampires and werewolves. straight from hell..
jaws of insanity...will dig deep into your soul....
while you lie screaming...they will droll in moans...
can't run...can't hide, can't sleep, can't embark..
just wait...
wait and pray...
they give you a quick death...
creatures of the dark....

fallen from the sky itself,
despised even by the gods,
sent back to the lands of men...
hunt and kill...
no remorse....fantasy fulfilled..
and who shall..come along their path..
chill to spine..down from the throat...
mockery of life...toast to Satan..
long live thee..and the morbid incessant mark
creatures of the dark...

Shagun Khera

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