Poker Chips - The Filthy Rich Window Shopper

2014-11-10 12

My phone vibrates, my hearts on dagger tips
Dagger to my heart, The name isn’t yours
Its Killing me, Single is still your status
Single is also mine, Window shopping
Amazed my eyes must be playing tricks on me
So beautiful u could have inspired god to make the earth
I just stare from behind the glass
I would have you, if u could be bought
Money aint everything and its nothing if I cant have you
So I Just Continue To Window Shop

You spending time with me is a fortune to my hearts wallet
I Can take the gamble and possibly lose it all
Have my hearts wallet empty a broke heart
Or if that dice rolls seven must be sent from heaven
But I just hold the dice itching to make a roll
Rather off make you mine and that the boogie man under the bed when I was young
Fearing most losing you 4ever
Gamble The Friendship For a relationship not to down with water I just a need a ship
Your already a fortune to my hearts wallet Does this make me greedy?
Will you be my girl, Unsure….
So I Just Continue to Window Shop

Poker Chips

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