Dr. Sakti P. Chakravorty - MAY YOU BE?

2014-11-10 0

[Dedicated to SM]

In the‘stillness of mind,
Let you be the consciousness in me. [1]

In the turmoil of thought,
Let you be the tranquility in me. [2]

In the stillness of time,
Let you be the ‘time-infinitum’ in me. [3]

In the blues of sorrows,
Let you be the soothing hue in me. [4]

In buoyancy of joy,
Let you be the bliss to me. [5]

In the dejection of defeat,
Let you be anodyne in me. [6]

In the glory of victory,
Let you be the rapture in me. [7]

May you be? Will you be?
Must you be? Always be?
Ever be?
- - in me? - - with me? ? - - for me? ? ?

Copyright reserved by the Author

Dr. Sakti P. Chakravorty
