Michael Shepherd - ! ! Saying the unspeakable

2014-11-10 7

Such as President Obama
may not say it; but I
who am nobody, may speak it:

the God of many names and One
does not wish division;
you and I (there are no others?)
do not wish division;
who makes division?

Why do all seek an ‘enemy’?
The dispossessed invent an enemy
on whom to blame their plight;

the rich invent an enemy
to excuse their greed;

those who worship God under one name
make enemy of those who worship God
under another name;

even those who worship God under the same name
make sects in order to invent an enemy;

is it because it is easier
to make an enemy than a friend?

is it easier to fear
than to love?

is it easier to hate
than to love?

is it easier to count to two
than think of three or one?

do we feel more powerful
if we have an enemy?

and now we fire at enemies
invisible beyond the horizon..

are enemies more attractive
to our life than friends?

Tell me, poets, tell me, sages;
tell me, saints; oh tell me God;

tell me, arithmeticians:
when division multiplies

our enemies, why do we
so love division?

The God of many names and One
makes division in Himself
with love and without hate;

you and I (there are no others?)
love each other all the more
in the sameness of our differences;

does human kind
now hate itself so much?

who thinks division, loves division?
makes an enemy of otherness?
forgets that God is One?

Michael Shepherd
