Lorena Lalen Cruz - The Bird Set Free

2014-11-10 1

Viewing you in that position
Made me feel the pain your in
So I prayed to the holy one
To end the misery your feeling

Then I saw the memories we shared
It was full of smiles so precious
No pain, no problems were traced
Only the strong bond of our loving family

This made me see clearly
Were strong enough to get through this
This slope that shaked our path
Is something that we need to get through

So confident I am with what I saw
Not knowing that reality was changed
By a call full of grief and sorrow
Saying that your soul was set free

Eyes were awaken by the news so sudden
Rain fell from the pained river
Loud speechless voices echoed in my ears
But I need to move and let the others know

My prayer was granted by him
But not the way I'm expecting it to be
All your miseries vanished
While the gap of the river opened wider

The words used in the songs I loved
Understood today by my tearful heart
Slow melody, so solemn
Felt like it's meant for me to love it

Now, i don't know what will be next
Expecting is something that is impossible
For our tomorrow will never be the same
Coz' It'll be a life that is longing for you

Even though it is hard to do
The bird should be set free
To fly as high as it could
With full confidence and without hesitation

We love you and we will miss you
And now we are setting you free
You are free to fly free to go
But please, guide us constantly

....A poem for my grandma....

Lorena Lalen Cruz
