Hebert Logerie - The Facts of Life

2014-11-10 3

I have been hired
I have been fired
I have been rehired
I have been refired
I have been discriminated against
And I have learned a lot since
I have been loved
And shoved
Off the skate board
Thanks God, My Lord
Has been with me all along
That’s why I love to sing His song.

I have been wrong
And I have been right
Stay tight
I cannot be played like a ping pong
You have the gall
And I have the guts
To tell you that under my huts
I will not be defeated
I will fight until death
I am not conceded
‘Cause I have a lot of faith
Things will get better
And our world will be safer.

Keep on firing
Keep on humiliating
Lying, abusing
And discriminating
Your turn to be fired
Is just around the corner
You’ll be tired
Old and weaker
You’ll be fired from the face of the earth
You’ll have to leave everything behind
Your new rebirth
Will blow off your mind
You’ll know the true meaning of fired
And rehired.

Copyright© May 2009, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of two poetry books: “Sparkles of Love and Etincelles de l’Amour”
Hébert Logerie is the author of “Mounts And Valleys of Love”
https: //www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx? bookid=58359

Hebert Logerie


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