Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan - *POLITICIAN'S OBSESSIONS 2010 PHILS. SETTING

2014-11-10 4

He runs for the poor
his hearts bleeding for the people
he wants to serve for nation's interests

Election is approaching
landslide voters
rushing in nearby precincts

a poor voters
flying voters
the sick
the homeless the jobless
the streeetchildren's weeping mothers
the grand-sons and grand-daughters of
all seasons in electon-economic-miracle-change

then another election periods
another sample ballots
another flying voters
another unfulfilled sweet promises
another vote buyings and political party butterflies
another landslide random counting
another protest for recounts
another new gain freinds and new fake enemies
another permanent vested interest
another propagandas and platforms
another cheaters and rampant electioneering
another politician's obssessions

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan