saadat tahir - Tainted Throb......what we do to our hearts!

2014-11-10 3

Sent forth brisk aglow
Cut to a century’s plow
Sparkled; springy shone
Innocent child’s throne
Gentle rainbows shade
That within it pervade
Chivalrous out to lend
and every rule to bend
Along bumpy ride
An many a hazy tide
Not of natures make
Own breath upon it take
Scarred by myriad nick
Soulless needle prick
No more natures guide
Ceased souls pride
Callous riot had rob
Done to ruined throb.
Had own spears smite.
In low; perfidious night.
Once a guiding light!
Driven to scrawny blight.

(May 28,2009)

saadat tahir