Marilyn Lott - Telephone Memories

2014-11-10 2

Every one of us have special memories
Of telephones from the past
Like the switchboard operator
But of course, nothing ever lasts

I remember the black telephone we had
That sat on an end table
You called someone occasionally
That is if you were able

Because when I was a kid some years ago
The neighborhood shared a line
You could listen to conversations
Yes, that was such a different time

Depending on the kind of ring
You were given by ‘ole Ma Bell
Two shorts and one long, perhaps?
Yes, that was the way you could tell

The phone has taken on many styles
As technology changed for good
But it’s so much better than in the past
When you shared with the neighborhood

I’m sure you too have memories like I do
Of the telephone you’d like to share
I miss the days when the phone would ring
And a real person was always there!

Marilyn Lott