louis rams - Mothers Pride

2014-11-10 33

by the way that you speak, i can see.
that you are as compassionate as can be.

you speak of your children with the
pride of a mother.

you talk about their aches and pains
and accomplishments they have gained.
in my mind i can see, you sitting with them nightly.

telling them of things that can be
if they put faith in the LORD above
and follow their dreams with compassion and love

through you i can see them
always there to help a friend.

you've taught them how to live with.
and how to live without.
of this there is no doubt.

you taught them that nothing in life is free
and that you must set a goal in your mind
and push yourself to reach that dream
and not stop until it's seen.

mothers pride can not compare
until a woman finally gets there.

louis rams
