hasmukh amathalal - Strong desire

2014-11-10 62

In one corner lies strong desire,
Struggle and efforts more to acquire,
Not necessary but still to require,
Much to the discomfort and ire,

Suppressed artificially but strongly emerging,
As if freed bird from forced caging,
Burning with emotions and anger raging,
Writing on wall but not on paging,

It’s inherent to have strong desire,
Not the capacity but still hire,
Adventure more in burning fire,
Never reneging so not called liar,

As a child desired to touch sky,
Never thought of consequences, why?
Birds with wings wonderfully fly
All unrealistic things in mind but felt very shy,

Raising position to that of tower,
Reaching peaks with lot of power,
Not enough capacity and means fewer,
Strong will power with positive answer,

No charm in life without desire,
Need not allow dreams on fire,
Double the effort with sharp vision,
Intent to succeed with strong liaison,

Dream and desire almost same,
Powerful drive required in game,
If succeed may earn you name,
Sitting idle may make you duck lame,

Striving hard to realize the dream,
Desire cools after receiving ice cream,
Desire to travel as powerful beam,
Desire, dream, ambition to work as team,

Nothing can stop from imposing will,
Followed it vigorously with intense kill,
Efforts pursued is also called zeal,
Achievement sure and may look real

When life time achievement comes true,
Success almost without any clue,
Made it possible with earnest drive,
Never allowed to die but made they live

hasmukh amathalal
