Shimmering haze rivers the horizon tricks the seeing eye,
Long road to the red center,
Anthill scrub, anthill scrub each for space vies
Each growth claims its plot strong serene and still.
An eagle pair pecks at the inners of a potoroo for fill,
Nature’s elimination gives life to the adept
To drinking roots forty foot down where water has slept.
Kangaroo’s and few nothing new bouncing strides to see,
The aircon bus stops brakes hiss, we all alight for morning tea,
The aroma of coffee fills the one stop shop signed greetings to you,
I tread to the back for the outback loo.
Two steps and I froze compelled in what I saw,
The most gorgeous cute little big eared little black donkey,
White faced and walking a little wonky,
Standing close to a slobbering grunting camel’s hind,
Never ever before seeing anything like this unusual find,
The reality of the genuine odd couple.
I moved towards them, my snapshot finger supple,
The camel makes a funny camel noise from the inners of his hollows,
With a whinny little big ears quickly follows,
Disney land in this sunburn heat my focus nears.
Camera snaps….geeze ….only their rears,
I ‘Hee Haw’ out loud…it works they both turn around,
Slowly I raise the camera with not a sound,
Click I’ve got ‘em you beauty, the odd couple looking perplexed,
The camel grunts and seems a little vexed.
Off they trot and disappear in the heat,
In minds eye their presence will keep,
On the road again I inspect my eager shots,
To my horror by golly and utter despair,
I’d deleted the pics of the odd couple pair.
Ken e Hall