Dónall Dempsey - ' ' ' ' AND THE SUN ALWAYS SHINES MAGENTA(for Lyn)

2014-11-10 16

I live in a crayonned house
that opens onto

a multicoloured view

of whatever
has taken her fancy.

A little purple tree
with a large orange apple

wave after wave of
the bluest grass.

My little girl larger than me
holding my tiny hand

both of us taller
than house or tree.

A rainbow of smoke
undulating from a fat chimney.

A dog barks across a white sky

('I got tired & couldn't be bothered
to colour it in! ' she explains)

Big blue birds flying around
our feet.

This crayonned house
lives on a wall

of a bedroom
you haven't lived in

since you were small

& drew us here
with stuck out tongue & intensity of hand.

Now drawn
by Time

we return

(good old Dad
& dutifully grown daughter)

step into
our crayonned world

as if it were
yes(only yesterday)

living it
all over


Dónall Dempsey
