Hard at times it is.
Much harder than we think
When it comes to convince
Not others, but ourselves.
When we all go striving hard
To make the rest of the world feel
What we want it to be feeling,
We all miserably fail.
Asking ourselves a question
Is more pestering than it may sound.
Raising questions to the world out
Looks much easier than its intent.
Individual worlds are indeed great:
No pricks, cankers neither.
No more complaints,
Reservations neither,
If we all could ask ourselves
“What do we do to convince ourselves
that we were right or wrong
Innocuous or impulsive
Insidious or conniving? ”
Or, whatever we badly want
the rest of the world to believe
that what we actually are/were (not) .
It is hard at times. Convincing! ! !
A. Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Panicker