Dale Edmands - A Note for Sylvia Plath(9 Willow Street Revisited)

2014-11-10 5

Dear Sylvia,
the Magnolias are in bloom
along Commonwealth Avenue,
the ducklings are paddling
their down across the Public
Garden pools, and
we miss you!
I walked past
Nine Willow Street today,
and remembered how strange
to share the same 'ghosts, '
or perhaps my ghosts were you:
At night watching the rain
by the window I stood silently
wondering why I was there
at all, why the rain reminded
me of tears, or the voice
I heard between the drops
was not mine, and why
the sadness I felt came from
a distant place, a place
where I would arrive years
later too late to tell you
how much I loved your last
poem, not knowing it
was just that

Dale Edmands
