john tiong chunghoo - A still—Volcano—Life—

2014-11-10 1

volcano - a woman with a child
would be better to relate
nine months she carries one
fiery red, flesh and bone
ever ready to tear through her
to greet the world
a thump is always earthshaking to the heart
its explosion always welcomed with screams and joys
the child is woman's conviction to her love
the volcano - nature's little bonus for mankind
- if it can be

inspired by

A still—Volcano—Life—
That flickered in the night—
When it was dark enough to do
Without erasing sight—
A quiet—Earthquake Style—
Too subtle to suspect
By natures this side Naples—
The North cannot detect
The Solemn—Torrid—Symbol—
The lips that never lie—
Whose hissing Corals part—and shut—
And Cities—ooze away—
Emily Dickinson

john tiong chunghoo