john tiong chunghoo - Secrets

2014-11-10 1

in the breeze
the sea exhibits lips
that die to tell
things in its bossom

in the breeze
leaves flutter
in smart sequence
beating a drum
of contentment
that soon heaven would open to shower rain

fishes in the sea,
of all colours and sizes
shells, prawns, crabs,
corals, sand, sludge
and volcanic cracks

the fortunate ones
get to the gills of a few, turn the tide
of history, personal
or otherwise

the rest
they lie in the crevices,
chambers of
the human heart
- for good, for bad

the sea exhibits lips
that die to tell
the secrets it harbours

leaves burst in laughter
from its whisper
that soon heaven
would cool the day

the graves finally
claim them
- sealed and eaten up
to skeletal remains

john tiong chunghoo