shwet awasthi - Lore of Sufism

2014-11-10 3

The almighty that sprinkles the earth with a thousand flowers benign
May the calm of a thousand mountains don the visage of your restless soul?
The beauty of a river singing and meandering in search of that peace
Which follows when the arms of the ocean engulf it, exemplifying existence
The Ocean roars and says all permanence too has an ending.

These chants of ages gone, this lore which brings a joyful melancholy.
Instill nostalgia for this era passed long by
Who were these seers, were they crusaders of the divinity in man
They for sure were romantics for romantics nurture belief like no other

The tradition of worship found a new belief
It was not heresy but the faith of a few Titans
Fighting the time, fighting tyrants, fighting savagery
Realm saw a new dawn on a politic stained by crimson
Man became God, God became Man.

Yes! The Mystic sang all this the song of love, of devotion
Of a beloved waiting, of an anguish in the hearts of mortals
The flowing sensuality of the praises of the almighty
Matched the longing of a forlorn lover.
The yearning for salvation was but what salvation itself

The mystique of the mystic is a legend less understood, for
Less understood are the voices of the chosen few yet
Love is surely divine and divinity equals love
Nature is the form of God and the love for nature is Elysian
This was an era when Humanity reveled, sanity was revered and solitude elevated
This is what the Sufi sang for this is what the lore says.

shwet awasthi