Instalasi Sastra - Lines Written For A Wretch Named Bush

2014-11-10 1

Where is the globe that so peaceful and hush,
Dying under the shadow of a wretch named Bush.

A New World order against the terror,
Only creating nightmares and horror.

Stop the use of blood for oil,
A thousand lives have been spoiled.

In the desert land of 1001 nights,
For unproven bias forced to fight.

In the name of peace and democracy,
Its true name is beast and demon privacy.

Should we support than to defy him,
Or lurk without care under the light that dims.

Stop the madness and stop the killing,
Altered sadness so awful and thrilling.

How this globe will end, we do not know,
We can only pretend to be happy not low.

Should we praise or insult him,
Let it be God, who decides for his sins.

Instalasi Sastra