Jo Lynn Ehnes - A Bewitching Brew

2014-11-10 6

A cauldron filled with ecstasy
will start my witches' brew.
One peppery quart of frenzy
adds fire that heats this stew.

A flaming dash of spiced delight
is thrown into the pot,
then simmered slowly through the night,
by dawn it's raging hot.

A victim who will drink my spell,
I seek this Halloween.
Tonight I'll host a show and tell;
my wicked scheme unseen.

I dress in black and act the part
this eve of masquerade.
Seducing whispers shoot the heart;
he's fooled by my charade.

I've trapped this unsuspecting soul
within my mystic gaze.
My magic potion takes control;
his body's mine for days.

He'll give until his spirit's spent,
that's when I'll set him free.
A broken man in fast descent;
his bane, my memory.

A perfect love he thought he'd found;
the essence of my curse.
Instead he stands forever bound
to dreams that won't reverse.

The moral of my story is
watch out for girls in black,
who offer you a quenching fizz;
your heart they might attack.

Jo Lynn Ehnes