Charles Lara - May we find the way

2014-11-10 2

It’s just isn’t the same anymore
the hours drag and we
stare at each other
and drink one more
turn on the music and still
it’s just isn’t the same
we try to laugh
but nothing’s funny
the world is killing itself
while we watch it on TV
& wait for us to bring back
what was once ours
how it use to be
in a time when
our past was our future
but now it just
isn’t the same anymore
the clock screams
and our thick faces
are not so vain
as they use to be
so we smoke and smoke
some more the drinks
remain cold but we stare
away from each other
as we tap on the bar
without a plan or excitement
of what will come next
we already know
how it ends
it just ain’t coming back
been gone for some time
the hole is open
all the way like
black space and sweet death
we float inside this void
remembering the dust
of thoughts left behind
invisible to all of us
that never made it out
of the starting gate
another drink another smoke
we'll take what we wished for
but what we got instead
just isn’t the same anymore

Charles Lara