You broke my heart but it still beats
With love for you and not defeat
My bleeding heart will not give in
You’re stuck with me through thick and thin
So batter on, I will not fall
My heart beats steady through it all
And worry not that I’ll concede
My heart is strong for both our needs
Should I falter, you won’t see
I have the Lord supporting me
It is his blood within my veins
With grace enough for both our pain
You break my heart with all you’ve said
Your words stab deeply in my head
Our fruit is branded by our deeds
Theirs are seen each time we bleed
I pray for you that mine bear true
Planting hope inside of you
I’ll hold you tight, I’ll hold you warm
And fight to keep you safe from harm
And with each dropp of heartbreak’s blood
That seed is nurtured with my love
You have the choice to fight or feel
I fight to help you choose to heal
At every push you’ll feel my pull
For I have faith you’ll be made whole
So batter on, I will not fall
My heart beats steady through it all
copyright 2008
Betty Jo Hilger