Glenn Bagshaw - Medical Problems

2014-11-09 2

Medical Problems
Said 400 pound Joan McSphear:
'It's hormonal stunts I fear here! '
Then she ate 300 quail,12 rhinos, one whale
and made tides with a lakeload of beer!

Music of the Spheres
Said the astonaut Barney Bizarres
as he took his guitars up to Mars:
'The music I'll make will make the spheres shake! '
-But all the hydro up there sparks the stars!

Pink Snakes
A man in Frying Pan, Manitoba,
used liquor to soothe his pet cobra.
When the snake took a break and drank lime tea with cake
it was the man who had shakes-
for a cobra's a danger when sobra

No Rush
A procrastinator, let's call him Glenn,
once determined to then ply his pen;
but the verse he would crank found the impetus sank-
and the last line went blank, blank and blank.

Up in the Morning
A scoutmaster had new recruits.
He reduced them to their birthday suits.
He took off their pants. They picnic-ed in France-
ants bite, scoutmasters give...toots!

Glenn Bagshaw