6 - 3/4" Gluing Pipe Clamps Review


6 - 3/4" Gluing Pipe Clamps <" /> 6 - 3/4" Gluing Pipe Clamps Review


6 - 3/4" Gluing Pipe Clamps <"/>

6 - 3/4" Gluing Pipe Clamps Review

2014-11-09 7

6 - 3/4" Gluing Pipe Clamps Review


6 - 3/4" Gluing Pipe Clamps

Quantity: 6.

Use with a 3/4" pipe to make a clamp fixture of any length desired.

Spring lever control locks jaw at any needed location and provides quick release.

Malleable steel construction, red enamel finished.

Carbon steel screw and T handle, chrome plated.