Bill Grace - A Tale of War and Courage Beyond

2014-11-09 1

Senator Inouye tells a story of fighting in French hedge rows.
The German wanted to surrender and at a critical moment
Neither of them having lanquage and the German
Wanting to show pictures of those he loved
Quickly reached within his side pocket
Where a weapon could have been concealed.
Young Inouye hit him in the face with his rifle butt
and said half century later with out malice,
'This is war.'
I do not do this Ken Burns capture justice.
You must see 'The War' to truly understand my passion.
Daniel Inouye and Morris were the only two of one hundred
Not to vote for Viet Nam's escalation trigger.
A not so little thing called:
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
Which brings us to the bottom line of this poem
That there is very little I can nicely give you
If you want to experience something
Of an extremely harsh thing called war.

Bill Grace