Felicia Lopez - Parish in Peace

2014-11-09 1

As the planet desperately attempts to spit out what ounces of purity it has left, its inhabbitors unhesitantly seize all offerings with a greedy hunger
Take it for what it's worth, for once...and exchange that motive with the side of you that would have used it to compliment your selfishness

And we fight not because we have a reason, but because we've created one...
Rot and let live
I pay my respects:
You are superior to all except our creator, for you have all the answers to any question we've ever pondered
You no longer know pain, fear, anger, confusion, or any other emotion forced on us by the Messiah himself
Keep fighting!
Our children will return in boxes once more
Our sons, our daughters our fathers, our FAMILY will come home in body bags for a meaningless cause! !
But tomorrow morning we will sollute the flag hung at half mast and support these barbaric customs...these inhumane actions that will be the end of us yet...

Felicia Lopez
