Steven Harris - Are There Rules?

2014-11-09 3

Who made the rules
are there any rules?
If there is
can you show me.

I'll read them
i'll study them
and I'll accept them
but then I will break them
but thats if there is any rules.

I can't find any rules
I dont care if it doesnt make sense
I dont care if you dont like it
it doesnt bother me if you think it sucks
or that its not supposed to be that way.

I'm not trying to be the best
it's not a competition
if there is
i'm out
i'll keep it to myself
why should i bother trying to be the best
it's personal.

I dont care if i'm not that good
nobody made the rules
no rules, nothing to break
I want to get better
and some day i will, hopefully.

This is what i want to do
this is what i like to do
it's pricless
stop holding it down
stop holding it down with rules.
because i'll just break them.

Steven Harris