Hubert Wilson - George Clooney and George W. Looney

2014-11-09 3

George Clooney is an actor famous.
George W. Looney is an ignoramus!
George Clooney is a Hollywood hero.
George W. Looney is a hollow head zero!
George Clooney is so creative.
George W. Looney is just vegetative!
George Clooney is an artist honored and acclaimed.
George W. Looney is the jester whom America is so ashamed!
George Clooney is a great screenplay writer.
George W. Looney is cranially lighter!
George Clooney can brilliantly direct others.
George W. Looney conspires with sleazy brothers!
George Clooney often articulates for the unsung.
George W. Looney usually trips over his own tongue!
George Clooney is a man of reason.
George W. Looney readily commits spying treason!
George Clooney is held in awe.
George W. Looney frequently breaks the law!
George Clooney is ethically self-confident and determined.
George W. Looney is a worm politically squirmin'!
George Clooney can attract the ladies.
George W. Looney is a magnet for lobbyists in their Mercedes!
George Clooney believes in the American Dream.
George W. Looney does support any Neo-Con corrupt scheme!
George Clooney may joke about lobbyist Jack.
George W. Looney is a joke of post-crack spoutin' cowboy quack!

Hubert Wilson