Professor Poetry Hound - Slug

2014-11-09 5

How would you like to have a name that people shout
whenever they’re angry or upset? Well, that’s what
Jesus has. I wonder if it bothers him that people say
his name when they’re calling someone stupid, like,
“Jesus, what an idiot.” Actually, I don’t think Jesus
cares. He’s heard it all before and probably doesn’t
even pay attention anymore. In fact, I don’t think he
pays attention to much of anything. If he does, he
certainly doesn’t broadcast his views.

Jesus has pretty much clammed up as far as communicating
with me. Even when I’m sinning, I receive no admonition
from him. That reminds me, do you realize that Jesus
can commit any sin he wants with no repercussions? God
would be the only one who’d know, and what’s He going
to do? Like if Jesus came down to Earth and slugged a
guy in the gut, would God do anything about it? Probably
not. He’s probably still feeling guilty about letting
his son be crucified. Sometimes in the movies, when
a guy is about to punch someone, a bunch of other guys
rush in and restrain him. I don’t think God would do
that with Jesus. He’d just let him slug the guy in
the gut.

Professor Poetry Hound

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