So I smoke some Winston cigarettes, and I hike about sometimes,
Read poetry, and Steven King,
Drink scotch and Bolla wine
I live in rural West Virginia, in the good ol’ USA
I drive a four-wheel drive, it’s red
Go fishing by the Bay.
I dream of being a better poet, and before it’s all to late,
I’ll read all of the master ones,
Like Whitman, Yeats and Blake.
And I’m a geeky little girl, with all that that entails,
And I love Star Gate, Buffy too,
From Alabama I hail.
I don’t know a whole lot else to say, I’ve said it all before,
I’ve screamed and laughed and prayed to God,
Whatever that is for.
So I’ll smoke another cigarette, sit back and read this through,
I think it’s fairly good, I do,
So tell me, do you too?
Sandra Osborne