Ian Trousdell - Hard Times/ I Was Part Of

2014-11-08 0

Walking a shattered beach
on a dark night alone
by a darker empty sea
strangely moving,
wading against the flow
of a suddenly changed future,
pressured by a current
of being without you

I looked up and noticed
stars so ancient
long ages were new born,
the whole vast concave orb
shining with a calm intelligence,
no agony not witnessed below
on this huge sphere of numberless acts.

Being bitterly alone,
in a moment of expansion
suddenly I was part of
every private hoping heart,
fireflies all struggling
courageously through the depths
of life.

Into the sky's dark shine
and back again
to this precious earth,
the idea of separateness gone
in a magnificent oneness,
I am reborn through my pain
into a new life
in a single gifted breath
on the power of a single idea.

Ian Trousdell
