cheung shun sang - 64-awes come to ages-cauchy3

2014-11-08 8

64-awes come to ages…

Highly spicy leader works.
Highly tuned are laying teams.
Hard t carry on when hold.
Still the ways of gods are earth.

Terms to carry go to bars.
Voids to chaos all are tanks.
64-awes decline our ages.
Make on prowls as all are made.

April showers are bad apples.
Guns appeal when soldiers tamed.
Whether much to say is job?
Leader voodoo good t dolls.

Cauchy3 has nailed the colors on notes.
Fawn by moneys taking codes.
Passes enlarge the judges to laws.
Dickens knows the evil acts.
---Cheung Shun Sang=cauchy3---

cheung shun sang