Herbert Nehrlich - More Wombat News

2014-11-08 2

There once was a Wombat so hairy
his hair matched the Magical Fairy,
so they took him away
in the light of the day
and placed his loghouse in the prairie.

The Canadian winds were of change
and at first little Hairy felt strange,
but it happened he caught
(and this made him distraught)
the Ontario Fulminant Mange.

So they called in the local Vet,
who took Hairy right home as a pet.
And each morning at three
this new pet had to pee
and he also did...yes, mate, you bet!

So the Vet read his books all again.
He could see how all critters and men
used a regular spot
to lay wursts and would not
mess their homes like a Rhode Island hen.

Ah, he found the solution at last,
they discovered this, back in the past,
every wombat and frog
does require a log
for the ritual called defecast.

So a log was procured and nailed down
and the wombat was given a gown,
so he could, when in need
and right after he peed
lay his pretzels on top. They were brown.

Herbert Nehrlich
