Sidi J. Mahtrow - Poems are Like Kittens

2014-11-08 2

They start out small
And fuzzy
Something playful
Then they grow
Always needing a Mother's love
Hungry for attention.

They first use their claws
Scratching and digging
Sometimes forgetting to cover up the poop
Become vocal
And demanding
Wanting to be let out.

No longer are they playful
They become a bore
Sleep a lot
Eating more
Independent and proud.

And finally
Having gone as far as they can
Fall out of favor
Abandoned for another
Lost in the wilderness.

But in my mind,
They are always playful
A joy to behold
Perhaps a scolding is needed
But some will always remain
Among my favorite(s) .

For Poems are indeed, like Kittens.


Sidi J. Mahtrow