'How are you and where are you? '
Would you mind if I so ask you?
Urge ran high so I asked you,
Do you think it right if I so ask you?
You were so nice and dear,
You are far away as I hear,
Pain is so high but I bear,
Find no means to stay just near,
Did I so offend?
lived so simple and ways also mend,
flowers and roses found its way,
I still found no other say,
You declined for a photo,
Even I had no such motto,
Still asked for a flicker,
But alas! you proved tinker,
Had it not been the business?
and love a commodity,
Had I not a been gentle man?
and you be a businesswoman
It would have been a reality,
A mere necessaisity and not the quality,
Be that not even turn farce,
Be that not rude but always be nice
Found in you always a treasure,
Enjoyment more but never a measure,
safety and securiy always I assure,
But you buckled under so pressure,
Was it a right path? I don't know,
In a prayer always I bow,
Still a mystery and no reason how,
It can be any but not sacrad cow,
You may stay calm and cool,
All will be fine and I only fool,
continue to stare but find no glare,
blaze from within but take no care
hasmukh amathalal