Joe Rosochacki - It’s a Croc of Sh__(oe)

2014-11-08 1

Rubik’s Cube, earth shoes, ant farms, they are all the same,
In one year out the next, public favor for a moment of time,
Only to suspended in Wall Street Journal’s stock limbo,
Projecting the stock’s decline.

Crocs were more than a statement they were ugly,
When you take a shoe from the Dutch boy, made of plastic,
Colors only Peter Max would love, and put it through a barrage of gunfire from M-16’s
You have the Croc shoes, -the founders thought it be fantastic.

All until a child wore them, and became stuck in an escalator,
Rory McDermott had his big toe nail ripped off because of the shoes,
The company would later says it is not the shoes,
Have you ever heard a toe nail that was ripped off when the foot would be enclosed,
In tennis shoe?
Unfortunately my wife has a pair, which was bought by her mom who lives in Colorado,
Crocs were hatched there,
Come to think of it, I saw Crocs galore
In every store,
On the feet of many,
Even the George Bush’s, (see buzznet web, Crocs with socks, that is so wrong)
Boy, I wouldn’t pay a single penny,
For them.
She says that they come in handy,
To go out on in the yard where the dogs do their thing,
Crocs, you are made for it,
To protect my wife’s feet from steeping on dog $#^@.


Alas and Alack the Croc will be heading for Chapter11,
For some of us that would be heaven,
For it is a dastardly ugly shoe,
Who knew?
It is like tasting bread without leaven.

Joe Rosochacki