Joe Rosochacki - Three Strikes You’re Out, What a Joke!

2014-11-08 2

Alexis Goggins you are supernatural,
People have termed you an angel,
But you saved your mother’s life,
To have been struck 7 times to survive, do tell.

Your mothers sad case of befriending boyfriends,
That were felons,
Nearly cost you your life and hers,
Calvin Tillie was nothing more than peon,
With a gun.

Calvin had four felonies behind him,
What he doing outside the prison walls on Nevada and Mound?
Calvin had made his life miserable,
And so your mother stepped into his lifestyle,
And you were swept in to their life, in the end you would be bound,
For a reality that should never cross a 7 year old.

Three Strikes and you’re out seemed a good idea at the time,
But who did the enforcement of the law,
Calvin Tilllie had 4 strikes, and since he shot you and your mother,
Faces at least 6 felonies when he is tried and convicted,
The bleeding hearts would say he rehabilitatable,
They would probably say “No justice, No Peace” if you are indicted.
Personally I would like to a single 9mm shot to your head and I wouldn’t miss,
Calvin you shot a little girl 7 times and still failed to kill her.
How pathetic are you? You are evil incarnate.
God forced the bullets to stray away from her,
Calvin Tillie I hope rot in Hell,
Because that’s where you belong among the s##t and p*ss.


Joe Rosochacki