Joe Rosochacki - Just Walk Away Renee

2014-11-08 24

And when I see the sign that points one way
The lot we used to pass by every day

Just walk away Renee
You won't see me follow you back home
The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same
You're not to blame (The Four Tops)

Renee, you and so many other homeowners are upside on their mortgages loans,
You can’t refinance because your house is worth less than you paid for it,
It fills you with a fear that no one condones,
So instead being a criminal committing arson like some people did in Detroit,
The sign that point one way, It’s only way,
That you have to get your life together,
Forget about the lot and house, just do what I have done,
Just walk away Renee,
hopefully get an affordable home by yourself or with someone,
I won’t follow back home because you lost your home,
The empty sidewalks are still the same,
Foreclosures, House for Sale signs,
Sub-prime Loans and speculators on the (un) Real Estate Markets are to blame.
(see observation Let the Domino Chips Cascade Down into the Abyss)


Joe Rosochacki