shweta advani - Drugs ain't cool...

2014-11-08 4

I know u like partying
n having fun..
but y u want to walk
the path of self annihiliation..

Getting high hmm....
ur best bet is dope..
but my best bet is hope...

I know there wud b problems n pains
n losses n gains...
but y to rely on chemicals
to work on ur brain...

U r a creator's dream
An angel's child...
U r meant to win over
problems big or mild...

Y walk on a path
of self destruction
N wait to quit
till u reach rock bottom...

Drugs ain't cool...
Don't be a fool...

Drugs n life
have nothin in common
not even a single alphabet
I know u wanted nirvana
but this is not the step
in right direction..
Drugs don't deserve u baby
so get over its addiction..

shweta advani