Lonnie Hicks - Nothing Happens In This World Until

2014-11-08 9

Nothing happens in this world
until somebody falls in love
with somebody;
dating, marriages
and babies are born;
children raised
parents blessed;
homes made.

Nothing happens in this world
until somebody falls in love
with somebody.

Nothing happens in this world
until somebody falls in love
with something;
reading, books, work, science
teaching, ideas, culture, the future
the past.

Nothing good happens in this world
when somebody falls out of love badly;

broken dreams, divorces, jealousy
fear, anger, abandoned children,
murder, rape, hate and mayhem.

Nothing good happens in this world
when somebody stops loving
and eats from the dark side.

Nothing good happens in this world
when somebody puts too much love
in some things
cars, houses, money, power, greed

Nothing happens in this life
that does not start from love.

Lonnie Hicks
