Michael Shepherd - ! ! Be, Here, Now

2014-11-08 1

‘The camera does not lie’;
yet the truth rests in yourself..

Here’s this photo of one, said
by those who know, to be a saint;

(no one to say smile now please;
no one to say just say cheese..)

here is one who knows that all and everything
is God; so looks into the camera and beyond

and at all of us, and at all of all of us
as God; in goodwill; Godwill;

looking Lordward to the Lord in you and me.
Who can value such a photoed shakti..

shower of grace in just one smile
from one who gives all of himself,

to the camera as the God in us; ‘developed’, multiplied
towards infinity, and rolled around a printing press,

flashed in binary upon computer screen.
We as we look at it become all truth

and like the camera, cannot lie
about ourself: we are perfection.

Before the camera was,
I AM. click.


[www. Hindupedia.com > Great Sages > Saints of Recent Times > Neem Karoli Baba]

Michael Shepherd
