Joe Rosochacki - Black Friday

2014-11-08 2

Black Friday, the malls opened at 1 a.m.,
The economy needs a drink;
Like someone nursing a hangover,
The credit card will ease some of the pain,
With shopping online and for those,
who have less money,
Their boat is just about to sink.
As the boat did off South Shetland Islands,
But no one can help, maybe a bankruptcy 13 or 7.
The economy has been bit hard with rising energy costs,
Home defaults,
car repossessions,
credit limitations
Much to do with the sub-prime mortgage debacle,
Black Friday, is this last hurrah,
before we shrink in to a recession?
The dollar has been weakening,
good for American companies to sell their goods abroad,
(see Observation, For I don’t give a damn about a Green Back Dollar)
Not so good for American who face a double-edge sword that cuts both ways,
The dollar is worth less than it had been a month ago,
Which means you are earning less and less.
However the price of life is rising, eggs, milk, fuel, energy seems to endlessly,
Cost more, Cash devaluement juxtaposed to monetary inflation,
Not too mention wars, droughts, fires, added a cost to the entire economy.
Black Friday is not necessary Good Friday,
More like Black Tuesday or Black Thursday,
The repercussions will take place the second month 2008,
While the candidates run for office and debate,
Will the credit card statements be cashed in or not?
The records will be posting profits on paper but not in cash drawer.
Payments will be late,
and finally no more.
In the future there may not a Black Friday but a Red One will be on its way.
Just as in RED Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday.


Joe Rosochacki

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