Denis Martindale - Marching To The Beat Of A Different Drummer

2014-11-08 48

While music soothes the savage beast
Like hymns and psalms soothe Man,
Soothsayers say that God is pleased
When we observe His plan.
The Bible prophets speak the word,
The Universe obeys,
When faith declares and truth is stirred
Like now, without delays...
How else could Jesus heal the blind,
The deaf and dumb as well?
How else could Jesus heal Mankind
And save lost souls from Hell?
In Genesis, when Adam lived,
With Eve close to his side,
God prophesied a future gift -
The Saviour crucified!
The battle's raged from that day on,
When Satan knew God's Laws
That teach us till all doubt has gone,
We're trapped in Satan's claws!
The Son of God was sent below -
A sign we can't dismiss!
His love and blessings overflow -
Eternal life and bliss!
He beats His drum for us on Earth
Within each Bible verse,
To prove to us each soul has worth,
Despite the Devil's curse!
Accept, believe, receive, repent!
Find out and be surprised!
The Israel Tour shows Jesus went
To prove He was the Christ!
The passion of the Christ declares
That He's unbeatable!
His drum still beats in all our prayers!
His heartbeat's wonderful!
No other heart was pierced like His,
Such that His blood poured out!
Thus devils fear God's great promise
When Jesus walks about!
The different drummer bangs His drum!
He begs us to be wise!
One day, we'll see His kingdom come -
Prepare for Paradise!

Denis Martindale