The thirsting Soul inside each man
Is unique in its mould craving
For its own imagined goals
Unfettered by barriers it is allowed
To build its own Kingdom fair
With its rules as just as it thinks
Sometimes a clouded mind
May include a moat, a fort
And prejudices few thrown in
Whatever is imagined it is so
Within each ones mind
The idealistic imagined world
Is alone, Isolated, undisturbed
Remaining free and unconquered
Each Soul remains an uncrowned king.
But, from childhood we find
We are unable to establish
Our rules in reality – Father
He refuses and disapproves
Mother raises her objections
Teachers want us to keep quiet
Not just our enemies we find
Even our friends want their way
Each step in life is caught between
Obstacles and opportunities
Situations beyond our control
Clash of each ones inner rules
Leads to chaos in reality!
Some Souls want to rule the roost
Some just want some peace
All opt for some easy compromise
All other than the lonely poetic Soul
Silent observer sensitive to all
Be it people, nature, experiences
Both physical, mental or sublime
Unable to compromise he remains
Athirst in the desert waiting
For the early morning dew
To quench his thirst upon
He remains true to the dream
Which he holds in his heart
Sitting by the busy street of life
He cries out his wares – Free!
Free! ! Wisdom and Truth for all!
He cries to an unheeding crowd.
Angelina Pandian